Deutsch: Elektrizität / Español: Electricidad / Português: Eletricidade / Français: Électricité / Italiano: Elettricità /

Electricity is described as metered electric power supplied by a central utility company to a residence via power lines.

Egg products are identified as eggs that are removed from their shells for processing. The processing of egg products includes breaking eggs, filtering, mixing, stabilizing, blending, pasteurizing, cooling, freezing or drying, and packaging. This is done at United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)-inspected plants.

The term Enamels (Enamel) may refer to one of the following descriptions:

The term eggnog refers to a dairy-based beverage whose ingredients include milk or cream, eggs. sugar and other flavorings, mixed in with a spirit, such as rum or brandy.

Electrical transformer is a term referring to an electrical device used to raise or lower the voltage of alternating current. For instance, power is transported over long distances in high voltage power lines and then transformers lower the voltage so that the power can be used by household appliances.

Extrusions refers to aluminum shaped by being forced through a die. (--->Extrusion)

see also:
"Extrusions" is in the UNSPSC Code "31110000"

Ref: 123843/2006-09-25

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Aluminum (Aluminum makes reference to the most common ...)

The term extrusion may refer to the following:

  • a geological term for igneous rock formed by the movement of magma through volcanic craters and cracks in the earth's crust, and the process of its formation
  • a process used to create or shape objects or products of a specific shape or form by pushing or otherwise forcing them through a die

Engineering service is characterized as any professional service or creative work requiring engineering education, training, and experience