A brick is a slab of fired clay for covering roofs or lining walls or floors.

Bread molder is defined as a machine with a series of rollers and conveyor belts to shape a ball of dough to pan bread, hearth bread, or long rolls of varied length.

Brass pertains to an alloy of copper and zinc. Brass is yellow in color, and though harder than either of its constituents, it is appropriately malleable for jewelry making.

By-product means a substance, listed in Schedule 1, which is incidentally manufactured, processed or otherwise used at the facility at any concentration, and released on site to the environment, released to surface waters or transferred off site for disposal.

Bulldozer refers to a kind of tractor with a blade on the front end that of a tractor, usually a crawler, used to to push, or bulldoze dirt, earth, rocks, or trees.

Bucket milking system is described as a system in which the milk coming from the cow is drawn into a bucket or pail and manually transferred to a collection area or the milk house.

Breeding is the selection process used to try and improve the characteristics of plant or animal.