E2A refers to simple alarm telemetry system consisting of a set of sensors at a remote position and a corresponding set of relay contact closures at a local position. The sensor data at a RT is converted to a message on a data link and carried to a COT where it activates appropriate alarm relays.
Ref: 120649/2006-09-22

EDI is the acronym of electronic data interchange .
Ref: 123941/2006-10-17

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Electronic data interchange (EDI) (Electronic data interchange (EDI) is described as ...)
Elastomer is described as a material which at room temperature stretches under low stress to at least twice its length and snaps back to the original length upon release of stress.
Ref: 123816/2006-09-22

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Elastomere (Elastomere sind nat?rliche oder k?nstlich ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): Elastomere, Elastomers
Electric dryer pertains to a full size dryer that requires a 220-240-volt electrical hook-up.

Gas Dryer
Natural gas is the heat source for drying, but it also requires a 110-120-volt electrical hook-up to operate the dryer. Some models can be converted to run on liquid propane gas.

Compact Dryers
Which, because of their compact dimensions, are ideal for apartments and condominiums.

Stacked Washer/Dryer
A washer/dryer pair that takes up half the floor space (the dryer sits on top of the washer at an angle). Ideal for apartments or cottages where space is limited.
Ref: 122806/2006-10-11

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Gas Dryer (Gas dryer refers to the natural gas as the heat ...)
Compact dryers (Compact dryers which, because of their compact ...)
Stacked washer/dryer (Stacked washer/dryer refers to a washer/dryer. ..)

Electric engine pertains to a locomotive powered by electricity picked up from an electric cable or third rail.
Ref: 123888/2006-10-01

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Diesel-electric engine (Diesel-electric engine is defined as a locomotive ...)
Electro-diesel engine refers to an engine that can run on both electrified and non-electrified tracks.
Ref: 123889/2006-10-01

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Diesel engine (Diesel engine is described as an internal ...)
Diesel (Diesel is a term referring to a type of fuel. ..)
Diesel (Kraftstoff, der wie Benzin aus ?l gewonnen wird. ...)
Electro-mechanical domestic appliance is a term used to describe any domestic or household appliance that turns electrical power into mechanical work or vise versa. One example is a automobile generator that turns mechanical rotation into electrical power
Ref: 120610/2006-09-19

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Appliance (Appliance revolves around a piece of equipment, ...)
Appliances (Appliances used in the home during the year, ...)
Derrick (Derrick is a tall frame with tackle for ...)
Electroformed molds are those molds that are made by electroplating metal on the reverse pattern of the cavity. Molten steel may be then sprayed on the back of the mold to increase its strength.
Ref: 123817/2006-09-22

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Electroplating (Electroplating revolves around the process of ...)