ISIC Code 5110 Wholesale on a fee or contract basis |
The ISIC Code 5110 is described as
Wholesale on a fee or contract basis
Description This class includes:
· activities of commission agents, commodity brokers and all other wholesalers who trade on behalf and on the account of others
· activities of those involved in bringing sellers and buyers together or undertaking commercial transactions on behalf of a principal, including on the Internet
This class also includes:
· activities of wholesale auctioneering houses
This class excludes:
· wholesale trade in own name, see 512 to 519
· retail sale by agents, see division 52
· activities of insurance agents, see 6720
· activities of real estate agents, see 7020
(2019-08-02) It belongs to the code group
ISIC Code 511 Wholesale on a fee or contract basis
To this Code "5110" belongs the sub codes
(No direct sub codes available)
The equivalent NACE Code (Rev. 1.1) is
51.11: | Handelsvermittlung von landwirtschaftlichen Grundstoffen, lebenden Tieren, textilen Rohstoffen und Halbwaren - Handelsvermittlung von landwirtschaftlichen Grundstoffen, lebenden Tieren, textilen Rohstoffen und Halbwaren |
51.11: | Agents involved in the sale of agricultural raw materials, live animals, textile raw materials and semi-finished goods - Agents involved in the sale of agricultural raw materials, live animals, textile raw materials and semi-finished goods |
51.11: | Intermédiaires de commerce en matières agricoles, animaux vivants, matières premières textiles et en demi-produits |
51.11: | Intermediari del commercio di materie prime agricole, di animali vivi, di materie prime tessili e di semilavorati |
51.11: | Intermediarios del comercio de materias primas agrarias, animales vivos, materias primas textiles y productos semielaborados |
51.11: | Handelsbemiddeling in landbouwprodukten, levende dieren, textielgrondstoffen en -halffabrikaten |
51.11: | Agenturhandel med råvarer til landbruget, landbrugsprodukter, levende dyr, |
The equivalent NAICS Code (Rev. 2002) is
425110: | Business to Business Electronic Markets |
The equivalent CPC Code (Rev. 1.1) is
Translation of the Code description
5110: | Wholesale on a fee or contract basis |
| Activités d'intermédiaires du commerce de gros |
| Alternative Spellings (synonyms):
wholesale, wholesaler, Contract, Contracting, wholesalers, Ore, Contracts |
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