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The Top500-Lexicon

The lexicon of the top500 ( The Encyclopedia for Classification Codes ) explains the codes and definitions in the world of economical classifications.

NACE Code 29 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.

The NACE Code 29 is described as
Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.

Division 29 covers the manufacture of machinery and equipment which independently act on materials either mechanically or thermally or perform operations on materials (such as handling, spraying, weighing or packing), including their mechanical components which produce and apply force, and any specially manufactured primary parts. This category includes fixed and mobile or hand-held devices, regardless of whether they are for industrial, building and civil engineering, agricultural, military or home use.
Division 29 distinguishes between the manufacture of general-purpose machinery and components and those with special applications. The headings begin with "Manufacture of ...":
· motors and engines (except electric motors), turbines, pumps, compressors, valves and transmissions
· ovens, burners, lifting and handling equipment, cooling and ventilation equipment, other general-purpose machinery (e.g. packaging equipment, weighing machines and water purification equipment)
· agricultural machinery, machine tools, machinery for other specific industrial purposes (e.g. for metal production, building and civil engineering, mining or the manufacture of foodstuffs, textiles, paper, printed matter, plastic and rubber products)
· weapons and munitions
· domestic appliances (electrical and non-electrical).
The manufacture of weapons and special equipment for passenger or freight transport within demarcated premises also belongs to this division.
The manufacture of metal products for general use (Division 28), associated control devices, computer equipment, measurement and testing equipment, electricity distribution and control apparatus (Divisions 30-33) and general-purpose motor vehicles (Divisions 34 and 35) is excluded.

It belongs to the code group
NACE Code D Manufacturing

To this Code "29" belongs the sub codes
  • NACE Code 29.1: Manufacture of machinery for the production and use of mechanical power, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle engines
  • NACE Code 29.2: Manufacture of other general purpose machinery
  • NACE Code 29.3: Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machinery
  • NACE Code 29.4: Manufacture of machinetools
  • NACE Code 29.5: Manufacture of other special purpose machinery
  • NACE Code 29.6: Manufacture of weapons and ammunition
  • NACE Code 29.7: Manufacture of domestic appliances n.e.c.

The equivalent ISIC Code (Rev. 3.1) is
29: Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.
  Fabrication de machines et de matériel n.c.a.

The equivalent NAICS Code (Rev. 2002) is
333: Machinery Manufacturing

The Nearest HS Code (Harmonized System) (Rev. 2002) is
xxxx: No Code defined

Translation of the Code description
29: Maschinenbau - Maschinenbau
29: Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. - Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.
29: Fabrication de machines et équipements n.c.a.
29: Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici
29: Fabricacion de maquinas equipo y material mecanico
29: Vervaardiging van machines, apparaten en werktuigen, n.e.g.
29: Maskinindustri

Alternative Spellings (synonyms): manufactur, manufacture, Equipment, manufactures, machineries, equipments
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