In the industrial and industry context, the term 'customization' typically refers to the process of modifying or tailoring a product or service to meet the specific needs or preferences of a customer or group of customers.

Here are some examples of how 'customization' is used in industry:

  1. Customized manufacturing: Some manufacturers offer customized products, such as specialized machinery or equipment, that are tailored to the unique needs of their customers.

  2. Customized software: In the technology industry, customized software is often created to meet the specific needs of individual businesses or organizations.

  3. Customized packaging: Some companies offer customized packaging solutions, such as custom printed boxes or bags, to help their customers stand out in the market.

  4. Customized services: Many service providers, such as financial or legal firms, offer customized services to meet the specific needs of their clients.

Similar terms to 'customization' in the industrial context include personalization, tailoring, and adaptation. Other related terms may include configuration, modification, and customization tools.

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