Deutsch: Filtration / Español: Filtración / Português: Filtração / Français: Filtration / Italiano: Filtrazione

Filtration in the industrial and industry context refers to the process of separating solids from liquids or gases using a filter medium that allows only the fluid to pass through while retaining the solid particles. This process is essential in various sectors for purifying, clarifying, and processing materials, contributing significantly to product quality, environmental compliance, and operational efficiency.

Function generator: defines as a piece of test equipment that produces audio test tones from DC to well beyond human hearing.

Front-projection television is described as a television display system that uses a projector and a screen, much like a movie theater. Front projectors can produce the largest video pictures.

First Day Covers refer to envelope on which a stamp is placed and cancelled on the first day of issue of that stamp. Likewsie it is an an envelope with a new stamp and cancellation showing the date the stamp was issued.
Typically a cachet is applied to the left side of the envelope describing the stamp's issue.

Deutsch: Brandmauer / Español: Cortafuegos / Português: Firewall / Français: Pare-feu / Italiano: Firewall /

A firewall is a security system for protecting against illegal entry to a local area network which is connected to the Internet (Computers).

- Fire cured (tobacco) : Fire cured is a kind of tobacco, as in kentucky fire-cured tobacco which is stalk-Cured under controlled humidity in barns with a series of gentle smoldering hardwood fires throughout. Considerable care is taken to achieve proper yellowing; firing requires considerable skill so as not to burn the tobacco or cause tobacco rot through too high humidity.

Speed at which a current travels.

Deutsch: Filmmaterial / Español: Metraje / Português: Metragem / Français: Métrage / Italiano: Metraggio

In the industrial or industry context, the term "footage" can refer to different concepts depending on the specific area of application:

  1. Video or Film Material: In media production within the industry, "footage" refers to raw, unedited video or film material that captures various aspects of industrial operations, such as manufacturing processes, industrial equipment in action, or construction progress. This footage can be used for training purposes, promotional materials, or documentation of operational procedures.

  2. Measurement of Length: In industries related to construction, manufacturing, or materials like cables, textiles, and piping, "footage" can denote a measurement of length. Here, it refers to the quantity of material measured in feet, commonly used in the United States and other countries that utilize the imperial measurement system. For example, a company might order a specific footage of electrical cable or fabric based on project requirements.