Deutsch: Bogenminute / Español: Minuto de arco / Português: Minuto de arco / Français: Minute d'arc / Italiano: Minuto d'arco

Arcminute, also known as a minute of arc, in the industrial context, refers to a unit of angular measurement equal to one-sixtieth (1/60) of one degree. In industry, this unit is crucial in fields where precise angular measurements are necessary, such as in machining, mapping, astronomy, and various engineering applications.


In precision engineering and various technical fields within industry, an arcminute is used to describe very small angles in projects that require high accuracy. This unit is particularly useful in aligning components, calibrating machinery, and setting precise angles on various devices.

Application Areas

Arcminutes are applied in several industrial contexts:

  • Engineering and Design: For precise measurements in civil, mechanical, and aerospace engineering.
  • Manufacturing: In the calibration of machines and alignment of parts where exact angles are crucial to ensure the proper functioning of manufactured products.
  • Astronomy and Space Industries: For the precise alignment of telescopes and other observational instruments.
  • Navigation Systems: In technologies like GPS and satellite communication, where precise angular measurements are required.

Well-Known Examples

An example of the use of arcminutes in industry could involve the alignment of components in satellite dishes where precise orientation is necessary to ensure optimal signal reception. Another example is in the field of surveying, where arcminutes are used to determine exact angles for land mapping and construction planning.

Treatment and Risks

Using arcminutes in industrial applications requires precision instruments such as theodolites or laser alignment tools. The risks associated with improper use of arcminute measurements include:

  • Inaccuracy: Small errors in measurement can lead to significant issues in projects involving large structures or long distances, such as bridges or high-rise buildings.
  • Equipment Calibration: Regular calibration of measuring equipment is necessary to maintain accuracy, and failure to do so can lead to faulty readings.

Similar Terms

  • Degree (°): A larger unit of angular measurement, where one degree equals 60 arcminutes.
  • Arcsecond: A smaller unit of angular measurement, where one arcsecond equals one-sixtieth of an arcminute, used for even more precise measurements.


In the industrial context, an arcminute is a unit of angular measurement used extensively in fields requiring high precision. Its applications range from engineering to navigation systems, highlighting its importance in a wide array of technical disciplines.


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