Rotary drilling is described as a a drilling method in which a hole is drilled by a rotating bit to which a downward force is applied. The bit is fastened to and rotated by the drill stem, which also provides a passageway through which the drilling fluid is circulated. Additional joints of drill pipe are added as drilling progresses.
Ref: 123443/2006-10-14

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Drilling (Drilling -is described as the use of such a ...)
- roof insulation material : a material that reduces or prevents the transmission of heat or sound or electricity to a building component enclosing a building above, thus providing a weatherproof shelter
Ref: 84729/2006-08-20

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
roof (Roof refers to a protective covering that covers. ..)
roof insulation (the act of protecting a building component. ..)
Electricity (From roof insulation)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): roofer, roofs, Materialen, Materials
Roughage is defined as feed for cattle, bulls, etc. that is high in fiber, low in digestible nutrients, and low in energy. These are hay, straw, silage, and pasture.
Ref: 122602/2006-10-11

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Hay (Hay is characterized as a grass that is cut and ...)
Silage (A Silage is a feed prepared by chopping green ...)
A pigment or coloring substance used as a coating to protect or decorate a surface of a building component enclosing a building above, thus providing a weatherproof shelter, with a mixture of pigment suspended in a liquid); dries to form a hard coating
Ref: 84706/2006-08-20

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
roof painting (The act or employment of laying on, or adorning. ..)
Paint (Paint refers to a substance used as a coating to ...)
roof (Roof refers to a protective covering that covers. ..)
Coloring (Coloring agent pertains to colored aggregates ...)
Coating (Coating refers to a general term referring to ...)

The act or employment of laying on, or adorning with, paints or colors the building component enclosing a building above, thus providing a weatherproof shelter
Ref: 84707/2006-08-20

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Adorning (Adorning is to lend beauty to or to enhance or ...)
roof paint (A pigment or coloring substance used as a coating. ..)
Paint (Paint refers to a substance used as a coating to ...)
roof (Roof refers to a protective covering that covers. ..)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): roofer, roofs, paintings
Ruminant are characterized as mammal whose stomach has four parts-rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasum. Cattle, sheep, goats, deer, and elk are ruminants
Ref: 122601/2006-10-11

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Forage (Forage is a term used to refer to: (a) browse ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): ruminants
Roof rigidity refers to the physical property of the building component enclosing a building above, thus providing a weatherproof shelter, of being stiff and resisting bending,

roof - the building component enclosing a building above, thus providing a weatherproof shelter

rigidity- the physical property of being stiff and resisting bending,
Ref: 84748/2006-08-20

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
roof (Roof refers to a protective covering that covers. ..)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): roofer, roofs
Range wool are coming from sheep grown on large ranches, distinct from wool grown on small farms; usually termed Territory wool.
Ref: 123958/2006-10-18

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Range (A Range is the difference between the maximum and ...)
Wool (Wool is described as a natural fiber made from ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): woolens, Wools