Do you want to source ANY products from China? We can help you to find the most suitable suppliers, get you all the details required, help you obtain or produce samples, negotiate on your behalf, check product quality during and at the end of production, clear customs and arrange the delivery. Our service charges are very reasonable. We are a Foreign Owned company in Shanghai, China.
We also can help you in distributing your products in China or in Southeast Asia region by becoming your agent/distributor. You can email us or check our website for more details.
Some of the products we handled: Tyres, Inner Tube, Batteries, Motorcycle, Spare Parts, Accessories, Alloy Wheels, Lug Nuts, Tyre Valves, Scooter, Tyre Pressure Gauge, Nail Polish, Lip Gloss, Lipstick, Hair Serum, Toys, Gifts, Bath Sponge, Blankets, Memory Sticks, MP3, Anti Slip Mat, Shower Curtain, Stationery, Sport Products, Air Filters, Silicone Couplers, Gloves, Solar Panels, Torch Light, Packaging.

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