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Voss Edelstahlhandel GmbH and Company KG

Voss Edelstahlhandel GmbH and Company KG belongs to the largest German enterprises in Germany (Deutschland). The central office of Voss Edelstahlhandel GmbH and Company KG you can find in Neu Wulmstorf in Germany (Deutschland).

Name:Voss Edelstahlhandel GmbH and Company KG (Map below)
(provided by the company)
Voß liefert Edelstahl, Aluminium, Messing und Stahlrohre an Handelskunden. Über 9.000 Artikel und über 12.000 Tonnen Ware liefern wir in 24 Stunden europaweit.
Street:Lessingstr. 39
City:21629 Neu Wulmstorf
Country:Germany (Deutschland)
Phone:+49 (40) 700 16 50
Fax:+49 (40) 70 01 65 80
    C: Manufacturer
    24.0: Manufacture of basic metals
    24.2: Herstellung von Stahlrohren
    24.42: Erzeugung von Aluminium
    Annual sales:Between 50 and 60 M Euro
    Number of employees:Between 50 and 60
     ( is not affiliated with Voss Edelstahlhandel GmbH and Company KG).