Deutsch: Widerstand / Español: Resistor / Português: Resistor / Français: Résistance / Italiano: Resistenza

Resistor is a passive electrical component that limits or regulates the flow of electrical current in an electronic circuit. In the industrial context, resistors are crucial for controlling current, dividing voltages, and protecting components in a wide range of electrical and electronic applications.

Deutsch: Überarbeitung / Español: Revisión / Português: Revisão / Français: Révision / Italian: Revisione

Revision refers to the systematic review, modification, and improvement of processes, documents, or systems to ensure accuracy, efficiency, and compliance with standards. In the industrial context, revision is crucial for maintaining the quality and performance of products, machinery, and operations.

Deutsch: Toilette / Español: baño / Português: banheiro / Français: toilettes / Italiano: bagno

Restroom in the industrial context refers to a facility provided within industrial environments, such as factories, warehouses, and manufacturing plants, for employees to use for personal hygiene and relief. These restrooms are essential for maintaining workplace hygiene, comfort, and overall employee well-being.

Deutsch: Wiederholbarkeit / Español: repetibilidad / Português: repetibilidade / Français: répétabilité / Italiano: ripetibilità

Repeatability in the industrial context refers to the ability of a process or measurement to be consistently reproduced under unchanged conditions. It is a key concept in quality control and manufacturing, ensuring that products meet the same standards every time they are produced.

Deutsch: Gewehr / Español: Rifle / Português: Rifle / Français: Fusil / Italiano: Fucile

Rifle in the industrial context refers to a type of firearm designed for precision shooting, often used in various industrial applications such as manufacturing, testing, and quality control of firearm components and related products.

Deutsch: Reis / Español: Arroz / Português: Arroz / Français: Riz / Italiano: Riso

Rice in the industrial and industry context refers to its cultivation, processing, and distribution as one of the world’s staple food crops. Rice is a critical agricultural commodity with extensive global economic and social significance, supporting the livelihoods and nutrition of billions of people worldwide.

Deutsch: Strahlung / Español: Radiación / Português: Radiação / Français: Radiation / Italiano: Radiazione

Radiation in the industrial and industry context typically refers to the emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles through space or through a material medium. This includes a wide range of electromagnetic radiation such as radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays, as well as particle radiation like alpha and beta radiation. In industry, radiation can be utilized for various applications, including medical treatments, energy production, and in manufacturing processes.

Deutsch: Resilienz / Español: Resiliencia / Português: Resiliência / Français: Résilience / Italiano: Resilienza

Resilience in the industrial and industry context refers to the ability of a system, organization, or infrastructure to withstand and rapidly recover from significant disruptions, such as natural disasters, economic shocks, or operational failures. This concept is central to risk management and emergency preparedness strategies across various sectors.