Die-Casting --->'Die Casting'

Deutsch: Ausfallzeit / Español: Tiempo de inactividad / Português: Tempo de inatividade / Français: Temps d'arrêt / Italiano: Tempo di inattività

Downtime is the period during which a machine, system, or production line is not operational or is out of service. In an industrial context, it refers to any time that equipment is not functioning correctly or at all, which can lead to delays in production, increased costs, and decreased efficiency.

Deutsch: Diskussion / Español: Discusión / Português: Discussão / Français: Discussion / Italiano: Discussione

Discussion in the industrial context refers to the exchange of ideas, information, and viewpoints among stakeholders to address issues, make decisions, and improve processes within an industrial setting. This process is crucial for collaborative problem-solving, strategic planning, and fostering innovation.

Deutsch: Störung / Español: Disrupción / Português: Disrupção / Français: Perturbation / Italiano: Disruzione

Disruption in the industrial context refers to a significant disturbance or interruption in the normal flow of operations, often caused by technological advancements, market changes, or unforeseen events. This disruption can impact production processes, supply chains, and overall business strategies, leading to both challenges and opportunities for companies.

Deutsch: Diagramm / Español: Diagrama / Português: Diagrama / Français: Diagramme / Italiano: Diagramma

Diagram refers to a simplified and structured visual representation of concepts, systems, processes, or data. In the industrial context, diagrams are crucial tools for planning, designing, analyzing, and communicating complex information in an easily understandable format.

Deutsch: Gefahr / Español: Peligro / Português: Perigo / Français: Danger / Italiano: Pericolo

Danger in the industrial context refers to any condition, substance, or activity that has the potential to cause harm, injury, or damage. This can include a wide range of hazards such as machinery malfunctions, chemical exposures, electrical faults, or environmental conditions that could pose risks to workers, equipment, and the surrounding environment.

Deutsch: Entscheidung / Español: Decisión / Português: Decisão / Français: Décision / Italiano: Decisione

Decision is a critical concept in the industrial context, referring to the process of making choices or selecting courses of action among various alternatives to achieve specific objectives. In industry, decisions can range from strategic, long-term planning to operational, day-to-day management activities.

Deutsch: Katastrophe / Español: Desastre / Português: Desastre / Français: Désastre / Italiano: Disastro

In the industrial or industry context, a disaster refers to a significant event that causes severe disruption to operations, resulting in substantial material, economic, or environmental damage. These disasters can stem from various sources, including natural events, technological failures, or human factors, and often require extensive recovery efforts.