Deutsch: Web-Link / Español: Enlace web / Português: Link da web / Français: Lien internet / Italiano: Collegamento web /

A weblink, also known as a hyperlink, is a reference to a web page or other resource that is embedded in a piece of text or an image on a webpage. When you click on a weblink, your web browser will navigate to the page or resource that the link points to. Weblinks are an important part of the structure of the World Wide Web and allow users to easily navigate between different pages and resources on the internet.

Weblinks are created using the HTML anchor tag, which specifies the destination of the link and the text or image that will be used to activate it. For example, the following HTML code creates a weblink that will navigate to the Space-Glossary website when clicked:

<a href="/cms/cms/index.php">Space-Glossary</a>

When this code is rendered in a web browser, it will appear as a clickable piece of text that reads "Space-glossary". When the user clicks on the text, their web browser will navigate to the Space-Glossary website.

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