The Blue crab - Callinectes sapidus is referring to a shelf-estuarine species distributed at depths between 0-90 mon muddy and Sandy bottoms.
The frequency of spawining depends of latitude, with two spawining periods (spring and summer) in the Chesapeake Bay. Maximum longevity: 3 years.Non-selective feeding includes oysters, clams, other benthic invertebrates, fishes, and plants material, also detritus and carrion.
Local Names
English : Blue crab .
French : Crabe bleu , Crabe nageur .
German : Blaukrabbe .
Greek : Galázios kávouras .
Hebrew : Shayat-kahol .
Italian : Granchio nuotatore .
Russian : Sinii kzab .
Spanish : Cangrejo azul , Jaiba azul .
Turkish : Maviyengeç .

- 87308/2006-09-18

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