Deutsch: Nativ / Français: Natif

The term "native" can have many different social and political connotations in different contexts. In some cases it is a neutral, descriptive term, for example, when stating that one is a native of a particular city or that a certain language is one's native language.

In the industrial and industry context, "native" typically refers to a state or condition that is inherent or intrinsic to a system, material, or process. For example, a native component is one that is integral to the system and has not been added, modified, or adapted in any way.

Examples of "native" in the industrial and industry context include:

  • Native materials, which are those that occur naturally and have not been altered or processed in any way
  • Native capacity, which is the inherent ability of a system or component to perform a certain function or process
  • Native resolution, which is the inherent capability of a device or system to display or process images and data at a specific resolution
  • Native format, which is the format of a data file or image that has not been converted or manipulated in any way
  • Native instrumentation, which is the inherent capability of a system or device to measure, monitor, or control a specific parameter or process
  • Native functions, which are those that are built into a software application or operating system and do not require any additional programming or configuration.

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