Hide is defined as the whole pelt from large animals (cattle, horse, etc.), in contrast to the term "skin", the pelt of young or small animals.
See also:
"Hide" is in the NAICS Code "316110"
(Leather and Hide Tanning and FinishingDressing hides)
Hide pertains to the skin of cattle
-see also:
"Hide" is in the NAICS Code "316110"
(Leather and Hide Tanning and FinishingDressing (i.e., bleaching, blending, currying, scraping, tanning) furs)
Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Hidey (Hidey refers to coffee which smells and tastes. ..)
Cowhide (Cowhide refers to a hide from a mature female ...)
Horsehide (Horsehide is a hide from a horse, usually from ...)
Tanning (Tanning is described as the process of ...)