Adoption is the legal and voluntary taking and treating of the child of other parents as one?s own in so far as provided by the laws of the country. By means of a judicial process, whether related or not to the adopter, the adopted child acquires the rights and status of a legitimate child.

-see also:
"Adoption" is in the UNSPSC Code "93141505"
Adoption services

"Adoption" is in the NAICS Code "624110"
Child and Youth Services
... for the welfare of children in such areas as Adoption and foster care, drug prevention, life skills t ...

Ref: 120576/2006-09-19

Adoption means choosing and making that to be one's own which originally was not so; acceptance; as, the adoption of

-see also:
"Adoption" is in the UNSPSC Code "80121802"
Adoption law services

"Adoption" is in the NAICS Code "624110"
Child and Youth Services
... for the welfare of children in such areas as Adoption and foster care, drug prevention, life skills t ...

Ref: 86297/2006-09-13

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