Deutsch: Haltbarkeit / Español: Durabilidad / Português: Durabilidade / Français: Durabilité / Italiano: Durabilità /

Français: Durabilitê
Durability is the ability to endure. It can refer to Durable goods, goods with a long usable life in economics.

In an industrial or industry context, "durability" refers to the ability of a product, material, or system to perform its intended function effectively and efficiently over an extended period of time, without succumbing to wear and tear, breakdown, or failure. Durability is a critical factor in many industries and applications, as it affects the overall quality and reliability of a product, as well as its ability to meet customer needs and expectations.

Examples of industries and applications that place a high value on durability include:

These are just a few examples of the many different industries and applications that place a high value on durability in the industrial and industry context.

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