Deutsch: Suspension / Español: Suspensión / Português: Suspensão / Français: Suspension / Italiano: Sospensione
Suspension may refer to a mixture of two chemicals with the property that one does not rapidly settle out or a system of linkages that connects a vehicle to its wheels.

In an industrial and industry context, "suspension" refers to a system that supports and isolates an object or component while allowing it to move or oscillate freely. Suspension systems are commonly used in a variety of applications to improve stability, reduce wear and tear, and improve overall performance. Some common examples of suspension in an industrial or industry context include:

  1. Automobiles: In the automotive industry, suspension systems are used to support vehicles and reduce road shocks and vibrations, providing a smoother ride for passengers.

  2. Bridges: In the construction industry, suspension systems are used to support bridges, allowing them to withstand the weight of vehicles and other loads while reducing stress on individual components.

  3. Machinery: In many types of industrial machinery, suspension systems are used to reduce vibrations and improve stability, helping to extend the lifespan of the machine and prevent damage to internal components.

  4. Aerospace: In the aerospace industry, suspension systems are used to support aircraft and reduce vibrations during flight, improving overall performance and stability.

  5. Mining: In the mining industry, suspension systems are used in heavy equipment to reduce shocks and vibrations, improving the safety and performance of mining operations.

These are just a few examples of how suspension systems are used in an industrial or industry context. The specific design and requirements of a suspension system will depend on the particular application and the needs of the products or processes involved.

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