Deutsch: Verbraucher / Español: Consumidor / Português: Consumidor / Français: Consommateur / Italiano: Consumatore /

Consumer is characterized as an individual, household or family as purchaser and user of goods as distinguished from business or industrial user who may buy for resale or re-manufacturing.

Conventional mining is characterized as the oldest form of room pillar mining, which consists of a series of operations that involve cutting the coal bed, so it breaks easily when blasted with explosives or high pressure air, and then loading the broken coal.

Casting have something to do with an act or process of making casts or impressions, or of pouring molten metal and shaping metal or plaster into a mold.

The Coal tar pitch (tar) is characterized as a black oily liquid that is a rich source of mostly orgamic chemicals such as benzene, phenol and creosote. It is a bituminous material which is a by product from the coking of coal.

Cutlery is characterized as cutting implements including those for cutting by a sharp point, which are manipulable by hand so as to be movable in their entirety relative to the work during the cutting operation as distinguished from moving the work relative to the cutter. Such implements may be power operated which is built into the structure of the cutting implement.

The Cape Cod style is a style of housing that originated in the New England area. It is traditionally characterized by a low, broad frame building, generally a story and a half high, with a steep, perfectly pitched roof without gables and a large central chimney. A cape-style house also commonly has a master bedroom on the first floor.

Carding; carded is described as a preliminary process in manufacturing spun yarn, after wool is scoured and dried. Wool is fed into a carding machine that opens it into an even layer, removing as much burr and seed as possible and a certain amount of short or broken fibers, then draws the fibers parallel to each other to form a continuous strand of fibers called a sliver.

Clearing house refers to a department of the exchange, through which all trades on the exchange are cleared and adjusted; it is an agency associated with an exchange, which settles trades and regulates delivery; 30 office where banks exchange checks and drafts and settle accounts.