Casino architect one who designs a public building for gambling and entertainment.

Casino architecture is the science of designing and building casino; layout, formation, arrangement; building style or method.

Deutsch: Klassifizierung / Español: Clasificación / Português: Classificação / Français: Classification / Italiano: Classificazione /

Classification is a term that can refer to:

1. A way or condition of being arranged: arrangement, categorization, deployment, disposal, disposition, distribution, formation, grouping, layout, lineup, order, organization, placement, sequence.

Coal briquets - anthracite, bituminous, and lignite briquets comprise the secondary solid fuels manufactured from coal by a process in which the coal is partly dried, warmed to expel excess moisture, and then compressed into briquets, usually without the use of a binding substance.

Compact shelving is also known as compact storage, mobile shelving, mobile aisle shelving, movable shelving. It pertains to kind of shelving designed so that rows can be moved next to each other, with no intervening aisle, to provide dense storage.

Carbon black is described as a black pigment produced by the incomplete burning of natural gas or oil. It is widely used as a filler, particularly in the rubber industry.

Casino building pertains to a gaming facility that normally involves all or a combination of the following casino games such as slot machines, video games, card games and other games such as keno, craps and bingo.

Camping facility is a developed area or site equipped with tent pad or clearing, garbage disposal, fireplace ring, picnic table, toilet facilities, and a water supply where a public can erect a tent or shelter or park a vehicle for the purpose of remaining overnight.