Deutsch: Kompatibilität / Español: Compatibilidad / Português: Compatibilidade / Français: Compatibilité / Italiano: Compatibilità

Compatibility in an industrial context refers to the capability of different systems, equipment, or software to work together without conflict or error. It ensures that components function effectively within a larger system and meet operational standards necessary for industrial processes.


In the industrial or industry context, a cluster refers to a geographic concentration of interconnected businesses, suppliers, and associated institutions in a particular field. Clusters are characterized by the presence of companies and entities within the same industry that are located near each other and benefit from the close proximity due to increased efficiency, shared resources, and collaborative opportunities.

Deutsch: Zyanid / Español: Cianuro / Português: Cianeto / Français: Cyanure / Italiano: Cianuro

Cyanide in the industrial context refers to a chemical compound that contains the group C≡N. This group, known as the cyano group, consists of a carbon atom triple-bonded to a nitrogen atom. Cyanides are extremely toxic and are used in various industrial applications, including mining, electroplating, and synthetic organic chemistry.

Deutsch: Koordination / Español: Coordinación / Português: Coordenação / Français: Coordination / Italiano: Coordinamento

Coordination in the industrial context refers to the organized management of various activities, processes, and operations within a company to ensure that resources are used most efficiently and that all parts of the organization work together towards common goals and objectives.

Deutsch: Förderung / Español: Transporte / Português: Transporte / Français: Transport / Italiano: Trasporto

Conveyance in the industrial context refers to the process or system of transporting materials, goods, or products from one location to another within a manufacturing or distribution facility. This term is essential for understanding how items are moved efficiently and effectively through various stages of production and supply chains.

Deutsch: Kompetenz / Español: Competencia / Português: Competência / Français: Compétence / Italiano: Competenza

Competence in the industrial context refers to the ability of an individual, team, or organization to effectively perform a task or operation based on skills, knowledge, and experience. This term is crucial for ensuring that all industrial operations are carried out efficiently, safely, and to the required standards.

Deutsch: Klärung / Español: Clarificación / Português: Clarificação / Français: Clarification / Italiano: Chiarimento

Clarification in the industrial context refers to the process of removing impurities and solid particles from a liquid to make it clear. This term is frequently used in industries such as wastewater treatment, chemical manufacturing, food and beverage production, and pharmaceuticals.

Deutsch: Tischlerei / Español: Carpintería / Português: Carpintaria / Français: Menuiserie / Italiano: Falegnameria

Carpentry in the industrial context refers to the skilled trade and craft of processing wood to construct, install, and maintain buildings, furniture, and other structures. Industrial carpentry encompasses a wide range of activities from framing buildings and constructing wooden fixtures to crafting fine furniture and cabinetry.