Deutsch: Abrasion / Français: Abrasion - Abrasion / Italiano: Abrasione - Abrasione

The term abrasion may refer to the following:

The term antibiotic refers to chemical substances that have the capability to inhibit the growth of and/or destroy non-beneficial bacteria or other microorganisms, that are generally used to prevent and treat bacterial infections.

-see also:
"Antibiotic" is in the UNSPSC Code "51101508"
Antibiotic sulfonamides

Ref: 120863/2006-10-07

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Antibiotic (An Antibiotic is a metabolic product of one ...)
Chemical (A chemical substance is any material with a ...)

The term aseptic refers to something that is medically sterilized or sterile, and generally free from contamination caused by harmful microorganisms.

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Aseptic packaging (Aseptic packaging is terms referring to a ...)

The acronym AFV may refer to the following:

  • Alternative fuel vehicle, a vehicle that uses non-traditional fuels (such as petrol and diesel), or does not rely entirely on them
  • Armored (or Armoured) Fighting Vehicle, a vehicle used for a variety of military purposes that may be lightly to heavily armored, and may have attached or mounted weapons

Deutsch: Flugzeug / Español: Avión / Português: Avião / Français: Avion / Italiano: Aereo /

The term airplane may refer to the following:

The term arm or ARM may refer to the following:

  • an area of the upper human body generally thought of as being from the shoulder to the fingers of the hand
  • a geographical term for a small or narrow branch, extension or inlet flowing out of a larger body of water
  • a family of instruction set architechtures for computers by ARM Holdings on based on RISC (reduced instruction set computing) architechture

Deutsch: Genauigkeit / Español: Precisión / Português: Precisão / Français: Précision / Italiano: Precisione /

In an industrial or industry context, accuracy refers to the degree to which a measurement, calculation, or other process conforms to a standard or expectation.