Deutsch: Kopf / Español: Cabeza / Português: Cabeça / Français: Tête / Italiano: Testa /

Head, in sailing or power boating term may refer to:

1. The bow

2. A head sea which is a series of waves from ahead.
3. A head wind is wind from ahead.
4. A boat's toilet or toilet room, both of which traditionally were located in the bow. An enclosed head is a toilet with a door. The head is the name for a marine toilet and its compartment.

See also:
"Head" is in the HS Code "8459"
Machine-Tools ( Including Way-Type Unit Head Machines ) For Drilling, Boring, Milling, Threading Or

"Head" is in the UNSPSC Code "25172108"
Head restraints

"Head" is in the NAICS Code "551114"
Corporate, Subsidiary, and Regional Managing Offices
Head offices

Ref: 124226/2006-09-27

Head is a part of the human body where the face and the brain is located or the front part of the body in animals

Head can also be the person in charge, a leader of a group or who has executive authority, example CEO, principal of school

Head, reactor vessel is described as the removable top section of a reactor pressure vessel. It is bolted in place during power operation and removed during refueling to permit access of fuel handling equipment to the core.

In tennis sport, the head is the part of the racket comprising the frame and strings.

-see also:
"Head" is in the HS Code "8459"
Machine-Tools ( Including Way-Type Unit Head Machines ) For Drilling, Boring, Milling, Threading Or

"Head" is in the UNSPSC Code "30131705"
Head stones

"Head" is in the NAICS Code "551114"
Corporate, Subsidiary, and Regional Managing Offices
Head offices

Ref: 124110/2006-09-19

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