Ear is the name given to the finger grip of pressed glass between the shoulder and finish of a ? gallon, gallon, or other glass jug. The ear is used to facilitate holding the jug.

Deutsch: Belichtung / Español: Exposición / Português: Exposição / Français: Exposition / Italiano: Esposizione /

Exposure describes the process of allowing radiation to interact with some areas of a photoresist layer while blocking the radiation from reaching other areas of photoresist.

executive floor; management floor: Floor is generally the lower horizontal surface of a room intented for the persons who have administrative authority over an organization or division of an organization; a manager, supervisor or administrator at a high level within an organization;

Evaporation is the a process that results from heating a liquid so that it vaporizes.

Ethanol pertains to a fuel that is created from corn. The alcohol product of fermentation that is used in alcohol beverages and for industrial purposes; chemical formula blended with gasoline to make gasohol; also known as ethyl alcohol or grain alcohol.

Employee includes:
(a) a person employed at the facility;

Embroidery pertains to the ornamentation of textile fabrics and other materials with needlework. The beginnings of the art of embroidery probably date back to a very Primitive Stage in the history of all peoples.

Engineered products is characterized as basic aluminum fabricated product that has been mechanically, and at times thermally, altered to create special properties for specific purposes.