Pyrogallol, in the industrial context, refers to an organic compound with the formula C6H3(OH)3. This white crystalline substance is derived from gallic acid, which is obtained from tannins. Pyrogallol has historically been used in photography and as a reagent in laboratories. In industry, it finds applications due to its properties as a reducing agent, and it's involved in the synthesis of various chemicals and in processes like hair dyeing.

Application Areas

  1. Photography: Used historically in developing photographic films.
  2. Laboratory Reagent: In analytical chemistry, especially for testing oxygen levels in gases.
  3. Hair Dye Manufacturing: As a component in hair dyeing products.
  4. Chemical Synthesis: In the synthesis of other chemicals, acting as a precursor or an intermediate.
  5. Antioxidants: In some contexts, used for its antioxidant properties.


  • Film Development: Once widely used in the photographic industry for developing black-and-white films.
  • Oxygen Absorption: Utilized in gas analysis equipment for measuring oxygen content.
  • Dye Industry: Part of the manufacturing process of certain dyes and pigments.


  1. Toxicity: Pyrogallol can be toxic if ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin.
  2. Environmental Impact: Needs careful handling to prevent environmental contamination.
  3. Health Hazards: Prolonged exposure may cause skin, eye, and respiratory irritation.


  • Implementing strict safety protocols when handling Pyrogallol.
  • Ensuring proper ventilation and protective equipment in workplaces.
  • Regular training for employees on handling hazardous materials.

Industries Where It Is Used

  • Photographic Industry (historical)
  • Chemical Manufacturing
  • Cosmetics and Hair Care Products

History and Legal Basics

Pyrogallol was first discovered by Scheele in 1786. Its industrial usage, particularly in photography, began in the 19th century. Over time, its use has evolved and diminished in some areas due to toxicity concerns. Legally, the handling and disposal of Pyrogallol are regulated to prevent environmental and health hazards.

Examples of Sentences

  • "Pyrogallol was essential in developing early photographic techniques."
  • "In the laboratory, Pyrogallol is used for quantifying oxygen in gas mixtures."
  • "The cosmetics industry has utilized Pyrogallol in formulating certain hair dyes."
  • "Despite its effectiveness, the use of Pyrogallol is limited due to its toxicity."

Similar Concepts or Synonyms

  • 1,2,3-Trihydroxybenzene
  • Pyrogallic Acid
  • Gallic Acid Derivative


Pyrogallol, a derivative of gallic acid, has played various roles in industrial applications, notably in photography, chemical synthesis, and as a laboratory reagent. While it has been valuable due to its reducing properties and effectiveness in several processes, the handling of Pyrogallol requires caution due to its toxic nature. Today, its use is regulated and has been supplanted in some applications due to safety concerns, but it remains a notable compound in the history of chemical and photographic development.


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