Resin is described as a a vegetable substance secreted by a tree, also known as tree gum or sap, that appears to sweat or ooze from the bark of the tree which may be used as an adhesive or varnish.

Repackaging plant refers to a facility responsible for receiving and repackaging caviar into new primary containers.

Release means the emission or discharge of a substance from the facility site to air surface waters, or under certain circumstances, to land (e.g., spills, leaks).

A Relay Terminal is a motor carrier terminal designed to facilitate the substitution of one driver for another who has driven the maximum hours permitted.

Deutsch: Anforderung / Español: Requisito / Português: Requisito / Français: Exigence / Italiano: Requisito /

Requirement is something that is required in advance; "Latin was a prerequisite for admission". In the industrial and business context, a requirement refers to a specific need or condition that must be met in order to achieve a desired outcome.

Recording thermometer refers to one of several kinds of thermometer (liquid, metal, etc.) whose readings are recorded by a pen on a clockwork-driven drum carrying a ribbon of graduated paper.

Roof refers to a protective covering that covers or forms the top of a building.