Warrington hammer is sometimes called joiners or Cross pein. These are hammers for driving nails or pins. The cross pein is used to start the nail or pin , then the hammer is reversed to use the flat head to drive it home.
Ref: 124385/2006-10-27

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Hammer (Hammer refers to an instrument for driving nails ...)
Welding technique pertains to the manner is which the operator manipulates an electrode, a blowpipe or a similar appliance.
Ref: 122704/2006-09-22

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Blowpipe (Blowpipe refers to a device for mixing and ...)
Welding (Welding represents the joining of two workpieces ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): techniques
Wafer is described as a round disc of semiconductor material most commonly silicon, although aallium arsenide and other semiconductor materials are also used. Wafers are a few millimeters thick and are available in a variety of diameters with 100 millimeter, 125 millimeter, 150 millimeter and 200 millimeter being the most common and 300 millimeter just entering use.

-see also:
"Wafer" is in the UNSPSC Code "40141637"
  Wafer check valves
Ref: 120792/2006-10-06

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Waferboard (Waferboard pertained to a manufactured wood ...)
Waffle slab is described as: (1) a two-way concrete joist system and (2) a two-way slab or flat slab made up of a double system of narrow ribs or joists, usually at right angles to each other, forming a pattern of waffle-like coffers
Ref: 122752/2006-10-01

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): waffles, slabs
Please search

-see also:
"Waffles" is in the HS Code "1905.32"
  - -- Waffles and wafers
- 32183/2006-06-13

Waggon is a kind of vehicle with front and rear axles, pulled by a reacg or tongue, which is usually connected to the front axle, for steering. The body of the waggon is designed to carry loads and varies in size from a child?s pull toy to one with a 50 ton capacity.
Ref: 122699/2006-09-22

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Trailer (Trailer a device that makes it possible to tow a ...)
Truck (Truck refers to a motorized vehicle, essentially ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): Waggons
Warehouse makes reference to a place where goods are stored for a certain period of time.

-see also:
"Warehouse" is in the NAICS Code "45291"
  Warehouse Clubs and Superstores

"Warehouse" is in the UNSPSC Code "24102102"
  Warehouse carousels
Ref: 120928/2006-09-22

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Warehouse club (Warehouse club is described as a giant store that ...)
Handled (From General-Merchandise Warehouse)
Field Warehouse (A warehouse on the property of the owner of the ...)
Refrigerated Warehouse (A warehouse that is used to store perishable ...)
container warehouse (container warehouse refers to a commercial. ..)

Warehouse club is described as a giant store that sells merchandise in bulk at low prices, and in which customers must buy a membership in order to shop.
Ref: 122769/2006-10-03

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Warehouse (Warehouse makes reference to a place where goods. ..)
club (a formal association of people with similar ...)
Ware (Ware ist der ganzheitliche Begriff f?r die Mittel ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): Warehouses, Clubs