Deutsch: Korn / Español: Grano / Português: Grão / Français: Grain / Italiano: Grano /

The term grain may refer to the following:

Garment is referring to an article of clothing or a piece of clothing; outer covering

-see also:
"Garment" is in the CPC Code "87230"
Garment and household textile repair services

GIS is the acronym of geographic information system.

Ref: 123981/2006-10-18

Geothermal energyrefers to the heat energy in the earth's crust. The source of this energy is the earth's molten interior.

Gin is defined as a compounded spirit - the basic product flavored by juniper berries which are usually classified as dry or heavy. Dry gins are light in flavor and body, while heavy gins are heavily flavored and full-bodied.
Ref: 124100/2006-09-19

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
cocktail bar (a counter, room or establishment where you can ...)
Distilled spirit (Distilled spirit refers to ethanol that is ...)
Botanicals (Botanicals is a term used to refer to the herbs, ...)
Gin-pole truck (Gin-pole truck refers to a truck equipped with a ...)

Gin-pole truck refers to a truck equipped with a pair of poles, and hoisting equipment for use in lifting heavy machinery around a lease.
Ref: 124204/2006-09-26

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Truck (Truck refers to a motorized vehicle, essentially ...)
Pole (Pole refers to fishing method used worldwide to ...)
Gin (Gin is defined as a compounded spirit - the ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): trucks
Game birds pertain to ruffed grouse, wild turkey, crow, mourning dove, pheasant, quail, woodcock, brant, coot, ducks, gallinule, geese, mergansers, rails, snipe and swans.
Ref: 122504/2006-10-02

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): Games, birds
Gampi refers to a bast fiber traditionally used in Japanese papermaking, with long, thin, shiny fibers of uniform thickness. Although gampi grows wild in much of the Far East, it has resisted cultivation and Japan now imports its fiber from China and Korea. This has resulted in a decline of its use in paper production
Ref: 122506/2006-10-02

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Cultivation (Cultivation refers to the preparation of a piece ...)