Photo nook or photobook: is defined as a photo album that is bound like a hard cover book.

Parent company refers to the highest level company or group of companies that own or directly control the reporting facility.

Deutsch: Presse / Español: Prensa / Português: Imprensa / Français: Presse / Italiano: Stampa /

Press denotes a machine having a stationary bed or anvil and a slide (ram or hammer) which has a controlled reciprocating motion toward and away from the bed surface and at right angle to it.

Polyester fibre is a generic name for a synthetic fibre made from polyethylene terephthalate.

Projector refers to an optical instrument which projects an image from a transparency or an opaque image onto a projection screen or other surface, using an intense light and one or more lenses to focus the image.

Pot pertains to the type of trap designed to catch fish or crustaceans, in the form of cages or baskets.

Deutsch: Verpackung / Español: Embalaje / Português: Embalagem / Français: Emballage / Italiano: Imballaggio /

Packaging refers to any material used in the fabrication or sealing of a packaging system or primary package material used to make packages.