Swine is a general term for a mammal in the famliy Suidae that has a stout body, thick skin and a short neck.

A Sector refers to the broadest category available in NAICS (or any other classification system) to describe business activities. NAICS provides 20 separate sector categories.

Spinning is described as the process of drawing and twisting fibers together to produce thread or yarn. Likewise, it is the process of converting fibres into yarn.

Spirits are any beverage which contains alcohol obtained by distillation, mixed with water or other substance in solution, and shall include brandy, rum, whiskey, gin or other spirituous liquors and such liquors when rectified, blended, or otherwise mixed with alcohol or other substances.

Deutsch: Abdruck / Español: Estampar / Português: Carimbo / Français: Timbre / Italiano: Timbro /

Stamp can be a rubber, wood, or even potato etched in a design which is then ink and used to apply the design to some medium. This can be as mundane as stamping a library book with the due date, or as cool as the Brittish hobby known as letterboxing which you can read about in a Smithsonian from 1997 or 1998.

Saw pertains to an instrument or tool for cutting or dividing materials and substances such as wood, iron, plastic, aluminum, acrylic, melamine , etc., consisting of a thin blade, or plate, of steel, with a series of sharp teeth on the edge, which remove successive portions of the material by cutting and tearing.

The term sofa or SOFA may refer to the following:

Suncured alfalfa pellets are produced from alfalfa hay, which has been ground and pelleted. The meal is produced by regrinding the pellets.