Deutsch: Grüne Fertigung / Español: Manufactura Verde / Português: Manufatura Verde / Français: Fabrication Verte / Italiano: Produzione Verde

In the industrial and industry context, Green Manufacturing refers to the process of producing goods through methods that minimize negative environmental impacts, conserve energy and natural resources, and are economically sound and safe for employees, communities, and consumers. It encompasses a wide range of practices, including the use of sustainable materials, reducing waste and emissions, recycling, and implementing energy-efficient processes. The goal of green manufacturing is to achieve a sustainable industrial operation that not only reduces its carbon footprint and environmental impact but also enhances efficiency and competitiveness in the market.

Deutsch: Grüne Industrie / Español: Industria Verde / Português: Indústria Verde / Français: Industrie Verte / Italiano: Industria Verde

In the industrial and industry context, green industry refers to a sector of the economy that aims to reduce environmental impact through sustainable and eco-friendly practices. This includes industries that produce goods and services with a minimal negative effect on the environment, or those that actively contribute to preserving and restoring the natural environment. The green industry encompasses a wide range of activities, from renewable energy production, sustainable manufacturing, and eco-friendly construction methods to waste management and water purification. The goal is to achieve economic growth and development while ensuring that natural resources are used responsibly and efficiently to support long-term ecological balance.

Grossage is defined as a quantity in terms of gross. Grossage is the usual denomination used in glass container terminology.

Deutsch: Geographisches Informationssystem / Español: Sistema de Información Geográfica / Português: Sistema de Informação Geográfica / Français: Système d'Information Géographique / Italiano: Sistema Informativo Geografico /

- Geographic Information System (GIS) : Geographic Information System (GIS) is described as a computer-based information system designed to handle georeferenced data which has also the capability to efficiently capture, store, update, manipulate, analyze, display and output a full range of geographical data. Output can be in many forms: either as tables, graphics, or maps.

Gamma camera is described as a device used in nuclear medicine to scan patients who have been injected with small amounts of radioactive materials.

Deutsch: Glukokortikoid / Español: Glucocorticoide / Português: Glucocorticoide / Français: Glucocorticoïde / Italiano: Glucocorticoide /

Glucocorticoid in the industrial and industry context refers to a class of steroid hormones that have diverse applications in various sectors, including pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and research. These compounds are synthesized or extracted for their anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, and metabolic effects. Glucocorticoids play a crucial role in controlling inflammation, regulating metabolism, and influencing numerous physiological processes. Their applications range from treating medical conditions to enhancing livestock growth and research in various scientific fields.

In the industrial and industry context, graphic refers to visual representations or images that convey information, data, or instructions related to manufacturing, processes, or systems. Graphics play a vital role in various industries by providing clear, concise, and accessible information to operators, engineers, and other personnel. This article explores the significance of graphics in industrial settings, provides numerous examples of their applications, discusses potential risks associated with graphic design and implementation, offers recommendations for optimizing graphic use, and examines the historical and legal aspects of graphics in industrial contexts. Additionally, we will present examples of sentences demonstrating the use of 'graphic' in different grammatical forms and conclude with a list of similar terms and a summary.

Deutsch: Gallat / Español: Galato / Português: Galato / Français: Gallate / Italiano: Gallato /

Gallate in the industrial context typically refers to chemical compounds that contain the gallate ion (C7H5O5-), which is derived from gallic acid. These compounds find various applications across industries due to their antioxidant, antimicrobial, and chemical properties. In this article, we will explore the concept of gallates, provide examples of their applications, discuss associated risks, and offer recommendations for their usage. We will also touch on the historical development and legal basics related to gallates, and finally, highlight some similar chemical compounds used in industrial settings.