Deutsch: Sektor / Español: Sector / Português: Setor / Français: Secteur / Italiano: Settore /

A Sector refers to the broadest category available in NAICS (or any other classification system) to describe business activities. NAICS provides 20 separate sector categories.

Different sectors describe different groupings of related and more detailed NAICS categories. The activities included in each sector. Contribute to U.S. economic output. Statistical agencies use sector categories to collect, publish, and analyze business statistics. For example, the census uses sector categories in organizing, customizing, and describing census forms.

-see also:
"Sector" is in the UNSPSC Code "83000000"
Public Utilities and Public Sector Related Services

"Sector" is in the NAICS Code "23"
The Sector as a Whole

- 87238/2006-09-16

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