There are two industrial interpretations for CPC:

  1. Central Product Classification
  2. Cost per Click.

The Central Product Classification (CPC) is a system used to classify goods and services produced and traded globally. It provides a standardized system of product categorization for international comparisons and analysis of economic data.

The CPC was developed by the United Nations Statistical Division and is updated periodically to reflect changes in the global economy. It classifies products into 20 broad sectors and then into more detailed categories and subcategories.

Examples of product categories in the CPC include:

CPC stands for "Cost Per Click". It's a type of pricing model used in digital advertising, specifically for pay-per-click advertising. With CPC, the advertiser pays a fixed cost each time their ad is clicked by a user.

For example, if an advertiser sets a CPC of $0.50 for their ad, they'll pay $0.50 every time a user clicks on the ad. This pricing model is often used for search engine advertising, social media advertising, and display advertising.

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