Branchwood refers to wood portions of a tree excluding the stem and roots.
Ref: 121000/2006-10-09

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Bran (Bran is an English term which is described as an ...)
Branding ax is described as an ax used to stamp brands into logs
Ref: 122539/2006-10-09

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Bran (Bran is an English term which is described as an ...)
Brand (Brand has to do with a name, term, sign, symbol. ..)
Biotoxin refers to a toxin produced by a living organism.
- 87216/2006-09-16

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Toxin (Gift)
Blade steel is referring to a long narrow trim steel quite often mounted from the side. Also see details.
Ref: 122127/2006-09-22

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): blades
Breathe permit the passage of moisture vapor through a paint film without causing blistering, cracking or peeling.
Ref: 86501/2006-09-15

Brown goods is characterized as obsolete electronics goods, such as computers, televisions, fax machines , and audio equipment.
Ref: 122484/2006-10-01

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Character (Character refers to a letter, digit or other ...)
Brushing relates to roughening of metal surfaces by rotating metal brushes to achieve a more precious appearance.
Ref: 122453/2006-09-26

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Airbrushing (Airbrushing denotes a technique of using an ...)
Cutting-in (Cutting-in refers to the brushing technique that ...)
Buffalo chopper pertains to a piece of kitchen equipment used for finely chopping raw or cooked products.
Ref: 122459/2006-09-26

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Hopper (Hopper refers to a device for temporarily ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): Choppers