Assistive steering device is selected based on the client?s need. They cover a range from reduced effort steering that compensates for reduced strength, to joystick steering that allows one handed control of steering, braking and acceleration, and spinner knobs that allow for steering with one hand.
Ref: 123467/2006-10-14

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Steer (Steer refers to castrated male cattle (ox) that ...)
Teer (Teer ist ein br?unlich bis schwarze Gemisch von ...)
Device (Device may refer to: machine , a tool , ...)

Achromatic lens refers to a special camera lens
with two or more elements designed to produce images free from false color. It is lens specially designed and coated to correct for the tendency of light to separate into colors when passing through glass. An achromatic lens corrects this such that colors are more accurate after being magnified.
Ref: 120695/2006-09-27

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Chrom (Chemisches Element, Zeichen: Cr. Dichte: 6,92 g ...)
achromatisch (1) nicht anf?rbbar (Zytologie) 2) ohne ...)
Chromat (Chromate sind Salze der Chroms?ure H2CrO4, leiten ...)

Accordion reed steel is characterized as hardened, tempered, polished and blued or yellow flat steel with dressed edges and a carbon content of about 1.00%. The material has to possess good flatness, uniform hardness and high elasticity.
Ref: 120644/2006-09-22

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Character (Character refers to a letter, digit or other ...)
Accordion (Accordion pertains to a hand-held musical wind. ..)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): Reeds
Annealed glass is identified as non-tempered glass. This is the type of glass that is commonly used in window roducts.
Ref: 124351/2006-10-19

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Glas (Glas ist ein Produkt aus Quarzsand, Soda, Kalk ...)
Glas (Glas ist ein Produkt aus Quarzsand, Soda, Kalk ...)
Glass (Glass is characterized as a hard, brittle, ...)
Air speed indicator refers to an instrument or device that measures the air speed of an aircraft through an air mass
Ref: 124409/2006-10-28

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Indicator (Indicator is identified as an observed value ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): speeds, Indicators
Axial load pertains to a load whose line of action passes through the centroid of the member'sCross-sectional area and is perpendicular to the plane of the section.
Ref: 122152/2006-09-25

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
bearing (Axial load bearing refers to a bearing in ...)
Axial (Axial is described as the position as it relates ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): loader, loaders, loads
- Affixing machine : Affixing machines relates to a machine that affixes stamps to an envelope, card or wrapper. The first affixing machines appeared in the 1850s but were not widely used until the early 20th century.
Ref: 120665/2006-09-22

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Affixing (Affixing refers to the attachment of at least one ...)
Aluminum oxide refers to a hard mineral of aluminum and oxygen (AI03) used as an abrasive and multi-tooth cutters.

-see also:
"Aluminum oxide" is in the NAICS Code "327910"
  Abrasive Product Manufacturing
  Aluminum oxide (fused) abrasives manufacturing
Ref: 120920/2006-09-22

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Alumina (Alumina refers to aluminum oxide produced from ...)
Hydrate (Hydrate refers to an aluminum oxide with three ...)
Aluminum (Aluminum makes reference to the most common ...)
Alum (Alum refers to astringent crystalline double ...)