Deutsch: Überprüfung / Español: Verificación / Português: Verificação / Français: Vérification / Italiano: Verifica

Check in the context industrial environment refers to the process of evaluating and verifying that activities, processes, and products meet established standards and requirements. It is a critical step in the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, a foundational framework in quality management for continuous improvement.


In quality management, a check is an essential activity that ensures compliance with quality standards and identifies areas for improvement. This process involves systematic monitoring, measurement, and analysis of various aspects of an organization's operations. Key elements include:

  • Monitoring and Measurement: Regular tracking of processes and outcomes to ensure they align with quality standards.
  • Audits and Inspections: Formal evaluations conducted to verify compliance with quality requirements. These can be internal (conducted by the organization) or external (conducted by third parties).
  • Review of Performance Data: Analyzing data related to quality metrics, such as defect rates, customer satisfaction scores, and process efficiency.
  • Corrective Actions: Identifying deviations from quality standards and implementing measures to correct them.

Historically, the concept of checking has been integral to quality management frameworks such as TQM and Six Sigma, where data-driven approaches are used to ensure processes remain within specified limits and continuously improve.

Special Considerations

Regular and thorough checks are crucial for maintaining high-quality standards. Organizations must ensure that checks are conducted consistently and accurately to be effective.

Application Areas

  • Manufacturing: Quality checks on production lines to detect defects and ensure product consistency.
  • Healthcare: Regular checks on patient care processes to ensure compliance with health standards and protocols.
  • Service Industry: Monitoring customer service interactions to maintain high levels of customer satisfaction.

Well-Known Examples

  • ISO 9001 Audits: Regular audits conducted to ensure compliance with ISO 9001 standards for quality management systems.
  • Lean Manufacturing: Continuous process checks to identify and eliminate waste, ensuring efficiency and quality.
  • CAPA (Corrective and Preventive Actions): Processes in quality management systems that focus on identifying and addressing non-conformities.

Treatment and Risks

Effective checking processes in quality management face several challenges and risks, including:

  • Inaccurate Measurements: Errors in data collection can lead to incorrect conclusions about quality.
  • Lack of Follow-Up: Identified issues must be addressed promptly; otherwise, the check process loses its effectiveness.
  • Resource Constraints: Conducting thorough checks requires time and resources, which can be limited.

Similar Terms

  • Inspection: The examination of products or processes to ensure they meet specified criteria.
  • Audit: A systematic review of processes and systems to verify compliance with standards.
  • Evaluation: The process of assessing something to determine its value or effectiveness.


In quality management, the check process is vital for ensuring that all activities, processes, and products meet established standards. It involves monitoring, measurement, audits, and data analysis to maintain compliance and identify areas for improvement. Effective checking helps organizations uphold high-quality standards, improve performance, and achieve customer satisfaction.


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