Deutsch: Sammlung / Español: Colección / Português: Coleção / Français: Collection / Italiano: Collezione /

Collection pertains to an artificial accumulation of materials devoted to a single theme, person, event, or type of document acquired from a variety of sources.

A general term used to describe groupings of archival or manuscripts materials.


In the industrial context, 'Collection' refers to the process of gathering data, materials, or items for various purposes such as analysis, storage, or disposal. This can include collecting raw materials for manufacturing, gathering data for research purposes, or accumulating waste for recycling or proper disposal. Collection is an essential part of many industries as it provides the necessary resources for production and helps in maintaining efficiency and compliance with regulations. The collected items can range from physical objects like metals or chemicals to intangible information like data or feedback.

Application Areas

  • Manufacturing: collecting raw materials for production processes
  • Research and development: gathering data for analysis and innovation
  • Waste management: collecting and sorting recyclable materials
  • Supply chain management: gathering inventory data for logistics

Treatment and Risks

  • Proper handling and storage of collected materials to avoid accidents
  • Risk of exposure to hazardous substances during collection processes
  • Implementation of safety protocols and training to mitigate risks


Similar Concepts and Synonyms



Collection in the industrial context involves the gathering of various materials, data, or items for different purposes such as production, research, or disposal. It plays a crucial role in maintaining efficiency and compliance in industries. Proper handling and treatment of collected materials are essential to mitigate risks and ensure safety. Overall, collection is a fundamental process that supports the operations of many industries.


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