Hot smoked pertains to the process where cooking and smoking cycles are combined. Smoking process takes place during the early portion of the cook cycle. Specific time/temperature requirements apply depending on the type of meat being hot smoked.
Ref: 120879/2006-10-07

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Process (Process means the preparation of a substance, ...)
House sheet pertains to the paper kept in stock by a printer that can be used for various printing jobs
Ref: 123489/2006-10-15

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Sheet (Sheet is defined as any material or piece of ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): sheets
House battery is described as the deep-cycle battery that powers the motorhome, 12-volt DC electrical system, separate from the chassis. Powers the coach lights, water pump, furnace blower, vent fans, stereo, refrigerator (in 12-volt mode) and other house equipment. The number and rating of house batteries used depends on the motorhome's battery compartment size and the motorhomer's camping tendencies. Motorhomers who frequently use electric hookups in campgrounds may not need to carry as many house batteries.
Ref: 124250/2006-09-30

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Battery (From )
Compartment (Compartment refers to a unit of shelving, single- ...)
furnace (The furnace is the most important component of a ...)

Houseboat is described as a boxy flat-bottomed or pontoon boat usually used in lakes and rivers.

Ref: 124231/2006-09-27

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Boat (Boat is described as a small vessel used to ...)
Household appliances are equipment or tools that are installed or free-standing, as in kitchen, laundry, and similar appliances
Ref: 124260/2006-10-01

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Appliance (Appliance revolves around a piece of equipment, ...)
Appliances (Appliances used in the home during the year, ...)
Household (Household refers to all the people who occupy a ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): householder, Households
Humidor is defined as a container in which to store tobacco. One places fresh tobacco in it and once sealed, it will maintain the tobacco in a smokable consistency indefinitely. A major alternate use of a humidor is the re-moistening of dried out tobacco. For this action one adds a source of moisture to the tobacco in the humidor before sealing.
Ref: 124271/2006-10-01

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Container ((EDV-technisches) Objekt, das aus verschiedenen ...)
Container (Gro?beh?lter zum Transport von losen oder wenig ...)
Hydrofoil is a skilike device under a hull. When the boat is going fast enough, the hull lifts out of the water and rides on its hydrofoils at high speeds. It is used mainly on powerboats.
Ref: 124230/2006-09-27

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Foil (Foil refers to a thin sheet of metal, around 0 ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): hydrofoils
Hybrid vehicle refers to a vehicle that has two or more sources of energy. There are two types of hybrid-electric vehicles (HEVs), series and parallel. In a series hybrid, all of the vehicle power is provided from one source. For example, with an internal-combustion/electric series hybrid, the electric motor drives the vehicle from the battery pack and the internal-combustion engine powers a generator that charges the battery. In a parallel hybrid, power is delivered through both paths. In an internal-combustion/electric parallel hybrid, both the electric motor and the internal-combustion engine power the vehicle.
Ref: 86346/2006-09-14

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Vehicle (Vehicle revolves around every device in, upon, or ...)
Hybrid (Hybrid refers to an animal or plant that is ...)
combustion (Combustion is the burning of a material, i.e., a ...)