Thematics pertains to a popular form of collecting stamps on a particular theme or topic, such as Animals, Sport or Works of Art, rather than those of specified countries
Ref: 124320/2006-10-03

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Thema (Thema (Mehrzahl: Themata, Themen))
Therma-binding is described as a binding process in which a volume of loose pages or periodical issues is glued together at the spine, with or without covers.
Ref: 124167/2006-09-21

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Binding (From )
Thermal ULD is identified as a ULD built with insulating walls, doors, floor, and roof which retard the rate of heat transmission between the inside and the outside of the ULD.
Ref: 123370/2006-10-14

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
ULD (ULD is the acronym of Unit load device)
Thermoforming is described as a method of forming plastics in which a plastic sheet material is heated to a point where it is soft and pliable. The sheet is then formed to the desired shape using vacuum, pressure and mechanical assists or any combination of these.

-see also:
"Thermoforming" is in the UNSPSC Code "23151515"
  Thermoforming molds
Ref: 122582/2006-10-10

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Forming (Forming is described as the plastic deformation. ..)
Thread compound is a drilling equipment that refers to an anti-seizing compound, frequently a high-pressure, copper-based grease, used to prevent the drill rods threads from seizing.
Ref: 124201/2006-09-25

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Drilling (Drilling -is described as the use of such a ...)
Pound (Das Pound ist eine Gewichtseinheit die heute noch ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): threader, threaders, Threads, Compounds
Three-piece suite refers apartment consisting of a three connected rooms used as a living unit (as in a hotel). It also refers to a combination of three interconnecting rooms generally containing a sitting room and double/twin bedroom(s), as well as a bathroom.
Ref: 84681/2006-08-20

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Apartment (Apartments: is described as a studio is an ...)
Combination (Combination denotes an options position in which ...)
Three-quarters binding a tyoe of binding with the spine and corners amply covered with the specified material, usually leather.
Ref: 122800/2006-10-11

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Binding (From )

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): bindings
Tiger economics is a . fast growing economies that are rapidly closing the standard-of-living gap with developed countries, an example would be South Korea and China.
Ref: 124321/2006-10-03