Trawl is described as a sock-shaped net with a wide mouth tapering to a small, pointed end that is towed behind a vessel at any depth. This method is more indiscriminate than others because everything in the trawl?s path is scooped up in the net. Some countries are currently investigating the impact of bottom trawling on the seabed.
Ref: 124380/2006-10-21

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Factory trawler (Factory trawler is described as a large stern. ..)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): trawler
Tree harvesting is described as a harvesting process that includes the trunk, branches and, in some instances, the roots from a forest site. In Canada, this process is used to control root diseases.
Ref: 124336/2006-10-06

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Harvest (Harvest is defined as to pick the fully matured plant.)
Harvesting (Harvesting is described as the process of ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): Trees
Trimodal Container Terminal (TCT - road, rail and inland waterways) refers to the station where transport vehicles, such as road, rail and inland waterways load or unload passengers or goods
Ref: 84678/2006-08-20

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Trimodal container terminal (TCT) road
Container ((EDV-technisches) Objekt, das aus verschiedenen ...)
Container (Gro?beh?lter zum Transport von losen oder wenig ...)
Terminal (An assigned area in which containers are prepared ...)
container terminal (container terminal refers to an assigned area in ...)

Triple-action press refers to a press having three moving slides, two slides moving in the same direction and a third lower slide moving upward through the fixed bed in a direction opposite to the blank holder and inner slides.
Ref: 122838/2006-10-12

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Press (Press denotes a machine having a stationary bed ...)
Tripod is described as a three-legged stand used to keep a camera steady when taking a photograph. By using a tripod, photographs will not be blurry due to camera movement.
Ref: 124203/2006-09-25

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
ISO 1222:2003 (Title: Photography. Tripod connections ISO. ..)
Hand-held camera (Hand-held camera is a device used by a camera. ..)
Truck-mounted forklifts are mounted on the rear of a truck. It can transport the load to places unreachable by truck. It takes less than a minute to mount or to dismount the forklift.
Ref: 124299/2006-10-02

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Truck (Truck refers to a motorized vehicle, essentially ...)
Fork (Fork refers to the part of the wheelchair that ...)