In condensed matter physics and materials science, an amorphous (from the Greek a, "without", and morphé, "shape,, form") or non-crystalline solid is a solid that lacks the long-range order, which is a characteristic of a crystal. In some older articles and books,, the term was used synonymously with glass.

In the industrial or industry context, "amorphous" typically refers to a material that lacks a crystalline structure, meaning it has no long-range order in its molecular arrangement. Here are some examples of amorphous materials used in industry:

  1. Amorphous silicon: This is a material used in the production of solar panels. It is a non-crystalline form of silicon that can be deposited on a substrate to create a thin film that can generate electricity.

  2. Amorphous metals: Also known as metallic glasses, these are alloys that have a disordered atomic structure, which gives them unique properties such as high strength, corrosion resistance, and magnetic susceptibility. They are used in various applications such as aerospace, electronics, and medical devices.

  3. Amorphous polymers: These are polymers that lack a crystalline structure, making them transparent and flexible. They are used in a variety of industrial applications such as packaging, adhesives, and coatings.

  4. Amorphous carbon: This is a form of carbon that lacks a crystalline structure and is used in the production of products such as electrodes, semiconductors, and lubricants.

Here are some similar things to amorphous materials in the industrial context:

  1. Crystalline materials: These are materials that have a well-defined atomic structure with a repeating pattern, such as metals, minerals, and semiconductors. They are used in many industrial applications, such as construction, electronics, and automotive manufacturing.

  2. Polycrystalline materials: These are materials that have multiple crystals or grains with different orientations, giving them a grainy appearance. They are used in various applications such as ceramics, metals, and semiconductors.

  3. Semi-crystalline polymers: These are polymers that have both amorphous and crystalline regions in their structure. They are used in various industrial applications such as packaging, textiles, and medical devices.

  4. Liquid crystals: These are materials that have both liquid and crystalline properties, and can be used in various applications such as displays, sensors, and optics.

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