Bogies are set of four metallic wheels that support the train structure and propel the train forward on the tracks. Each unit possesses four bogies. Moreover, a bogie is the name given to the structure that holds 4 or 6 wheels in pairs under one end a railway vehicles. It rotates on a pivot that allows it to turn and follow curves in the track.

-see also:
"Bogies" is in the HS Code "8607.12"
  - -- Other Bogies and bissel-bogies
   Bogies & bissel-bogies OT driving bogies & bissel-bogies
Ref: 122669/2006-09-19

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Bogie (A set of wheels built specifically to be used as ...)
Metall (Als Metall bezeichnet man chemische Elemente, die ...)

Ball clay refers to a very fine-grained plastic secondary clay that fires to white or near white.

-see also:
"Ball clay" is in the UNSPSC Code "11111809"
  Ball clay
Ref: 122649/2006-10-11

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Ball (Ball is described as a sphere; a round body of ...)
Clay (Clay is characterized as: 1) Fine-grained ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): B?lle, Ballen, baller, balls, Clays
Base circle is defined as an imaginary circle used in involut gearing to generate the involutes that form the tooth profiles.
Ref: 122532/2006-10-06

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Base (A Base is a solution that has a pH value greater than 7)
Base (Base pertains to any substance that, when ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): Basen, Circles
Biscuit firing is referring to a preliminary firing of unglazed pottery and porcelain that transforms the Ware into the biscuit state. Unless the ware is intended to be left unglazed, glazing and decoration follows biscuit firing.
Ref: 122570/2006-10-10

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Biscuit (Biscuit refers to a small round quickbread that ...)
Firing (Firing denotes a step during the manufacture of ...)
Bisque, Biscuit (Bisque, or biscuit ware is unglazed clay that has ...)
Biscuit (Biscuit is a term described as unglazed ...)

Bisque, or biscuit Ware is unglazed clay that has undergone an initial, low temperature (1600-1900?F) firing in a kiln. The term, "biscuit firing," refers to this process.

-see also:
"Biscuit" is in the UNSPSC Code "27112721"
  Biscuit jointers
Ref: 122207/2006-10-03

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Lexicon from 'Bauxite' until 'Bisque, Biscuit'
Bisque (Bisque refers to a thick, rich cream soup that ...)
Biscuit (Biscuit refers to a small round quickbread that ...)
Biscuit (Biscuit is a term described as unglazed ...)

Baby scale is an equipment useful for mothers concerned about low milk supply. A baby scale is described as a tool to verify baby's weight gain and also the amount of breast milk received in any given nursing.

By weighing the baby using the baby scale, before and after nursing and doing a little subtraction, a nursing mother can determine the number of ounces the baby nursed from the breast. Since a nursing baby is usually more efficient than any breast pump, this method is preferred to breast pumping for determining how much milk the baby may be getting. For these purposes a baby scale accurate to 15 grams or less may be rented from many breast pump rental stations.
Ref: 122117/2006-09-19
Beef Cattle Ranching and Farming - this industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in raising cattle (including cattle for dairy herd replacements).

The high risk job tasks associated with this industry are:
1. Generate bioaerosols of animal-derived proteins
2. Inhale bioaerosols of moldy hay, silage, straw, or grain
3. Inhale mite allergens while farming or handling flour or grain

NAICS Code 112111

-see also:
"Beef Cattle Ranching and Farming" is in the NAICS Code "112111"
  (Beef Cattle Ranching and Farming Stocker calf production)

- 87319/2006-09-19

Beef Cattle Ranching and Farming, including Feedlots
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in raising cattle (including cattle for dairy herd replacements), or feeding cattle for fattening.

The term æcattle? usually refers to domesticated mammals of the genus æBos? that are chiefly raised for meat and diary products.

The primary activities of firms in this industry are:
Beef cattle feedlot operations
Beef cattle farming
Buffalo, domesticated, grazing

NAICS Code: 11211

-see also:
"Beef Cattle Ranching and Farming" is in the NAICS Code "112111"
  (Beef Cattle Ranching and Farming Veal calf production)

- 87316/2006-09-19

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Farm (Farm is characterized as an area of land and its ...)
Beef (Beef refers to the meat from full-grown cattle ...)
Feedlot (Feedlot is defined as an enterprise in which ...)
Hay (Hay is characterized as a grass that is cut and ...)
Silage (A Silage is a feed prepared by chopping green ...)