Egg-shaped , oval or circular protective covering that covers or forms the top of a building
Ref: 84690/2006-08-20

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
roof (Roof refers to a protective covering that covers ...)
covering (something that covers (i.e. blanket, coat, etc.))

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): roofer, roofs
Embedded laser is defined as a laser with an assigned class number higher than the inherent capability of the laser system in which it is incorporated, where the system's lower classification is appropriate to the engineering features limiting accessible emission.
Ref: 123824/2006-09-23

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Laser (Eine Laserlichtquelle erzeugt eine monochromatische ...)
Incorporated (Incorporated is defined as organized and ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): Lasers
Embossing is characterized as a decorative technique used commonly on wood to resemble carving wherein a stamp or design is impressed onto a piece of furniture.

-see also:
"Embossing" is in the HS Code "9611"
  Date, Sealing Or Numbering Stamps, And The Like (Including Devices For Printing Or Embossing Labels)

"Embossing" is in the UNSPSC Code "82121512"
Ref: 123918/2006-10-03

Embossing is described as a process for producing raised or sunken designs or relief in sheet material by means of male and female dies, theoretically with no change in metal thickness or by passing sheet or a strip of metal by passing between rolls of desired pattern. Examples are letters, ornamental pictures, and ribs for stiffening. Heavy embossing and coining are similar operations.

-see also:
"Embossing" is in the HS Code "9611"
  Date, Sealing Or Numbering Stamps, And The Like (Including Devices For Printing Or Embossing Labels)

"Embossing" is in the UNSPSC Code "44121624"
  Embossing tools
Ref: 122549/2006-10-10

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Emboss (Emboss is described as a technique of pressing an ...)
Boss (Boss revolves around early bindings which is ...)
Process (Process means the preparation of a substance, ...)
Foil Stamping (Foil stamping is the application of foil to paper ...)
Abdichtung (Die Abdichtung ist eine Ma?nahme, um Bauwerke ...)

Emergency items refers to products that are purchased in an unusual situation when need is suddenly high, such as umbrellas during a rainstorm.
Ref: 123907/2006-10-03

Emulsifier refers to a substance added to products, such as meat spreads, to prevent separation of product components to ensure consistency. Examples of these types of additives include lecithin, and mono- and diglycerides.
Ref: 86407/2006-09-14

Endive is identified as a variety of chicory that is used in salads. It is also called escarole.

-see also:
"Endive" is in the UNSPSC Code "10151509"
  Endive seeds or seedlings
Ref: 123834/2006-09-24

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Indivia (Indivia is the Italian word for endive, a herb ...)
Endive (Endive is also called in the United States as chicory)
Escarole (Escarole refers to a variety of chicory that is ...)

Engineered wood is described as wood made from slices of lumber (plywood) or the chips and fibers that remain after a tree is milled into lumber (particleboard, fiberboard). Likewise, these are woods made from slices of lumber (plywood) or the chips and fibers that remain after a tree is milled into lumber (particleboard or fiberboard).
Ref: 123820/2006-09-23

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Plywood (Plywood 3-5 thin slices of wood glue together ...)
Engraved printing is described as a printing process using recessed plates. Ink sits in the recessed Wells of the plate, and when pressure is applied, raised letters and images appear on the front of the page.
Ref: 123868/2006-09-26

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Printing (Stamping)