Deutsch: Automobilindustrie / Español: Industria automovilística / Português: Indústria automobilística / Français: Construction automobile / Italiano: Industria automobilistica
The automotive industry is a term that covers a wide range of companies and organizations involved in the design, development, manufacture, marketing, and selling of motor vehicles, towed vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds. It is one of the world's most important economic sectors by revenue.

An anticoccidial drug refers to drugs developed to treat the intestinal tract infection Coccidiosis.

Antispasmodic refers to drugs used to treat stomach, bladder or intestinal cramps.

Deutsch: Aktivität / Español: Actividad/ Português: Atividade / Français: Activité / Italiano: Attività
Activity may refer to in physical chemistry and enzymology Activity is the effective concentration of a solute for the purposes of mass action or a task in the field of project management.

The term arachnid is from Greek and means spider. Arachnids have four pairs of legs. There are over 100,000 named species, including spiders, scorpions, harvestmen, ticks, and mites.

Adaptor pertains to a fitting that joins two different types of pipes together or a fitting that joins threaded with None threaded pipe (as in: female adaptor or male adaptor).

Alkali refers to an alkaline, or basic, chemical substance such as lime or lye. Generally present in fresh cement, concrete, or plaster.

Acrylic Resin refers to the thermoplastic polymers or co-polymers of acrylic acid, methacrylic acid, esters of these acids or acrylonitrile.