Glossary A
Deutsch: Anpassung / Español: Adaptación / Português: Adaptação / Français: Adaptation / Italiano: Adattamento
Adaptation in the industrial context refers to the process of modifying or adjusting processes, systems, or operations to meet new conditions, improve efficiency, or respond to external changes such as market demands, regulatory requirements, or technological advancements.
Deutsch: Autonome Mobilität / Español: Movilidad autónoma / Português: Mobilidade autônoma / Français: Mobilité autonome / Italiano: Mobilità autonoma
Autonomous mobility in the industrial context refers to the use of self-guided and self-operating vehicles, machinery, and systems that can perform tasks and navigate through environments without human intervention. This encompasses a wide range of technologies, including autonomous vehicles (AVs), drones, automated guided vehicles (AGVs), and robotics, which leverage artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, sensors, and data analytics to enhance efficiency, safety, and productivity in various industrial operations.
Deutsch: Beschleunigungssensor / Español: Sensor de aceleración / Português: Sensor de aceleração / Français: Capteur d'accélération / Italiano: Sensore di accelerazione /
Acceleration sensor also known as G-switch is defined as a sensor that provides information about the rate of forward or reverse acceleration or deceleration.
Automatic weighing device is referring to a device that weighs without the intervention of an operator and that follows a predetermined program of automatic processes (Weighing Operations Manual)
Automatic piano is usually electrically-operated, which has the pedals automatically controlled and which has limited suction-level variations. Examples include the Hupfeld Phonoliszt, the Recordo, and the Seeburg Style X. Many expression pianos have separate automatic controls for bass and treble hammer rails.also called as expression piano.
Auto container is described as a container equipped for the transportation of vehicles.