Deutsch: Block / Español: Bloque / Français: Block / Italiano: Blocco

The term block may refer to the following:

The term bioaerosol (short for biological aerosol ) refers to airborne particles that contain or were released from living organisms that are miniscule and may range from less than one to a hundred micrometers in size.

The name Beder may refer to the following:

The term blade may refer to the following:

  • the sharp cutting part of a tool or weapon
  • a type of stone tool in archeology, created by striking a long narrow flake from a stone core
  • a heavy, usually curved metal plate installed on the front of a bulldozer

The term bank may refer to the following:

The term bar or BAR may refer to the following:

Bacteria refers to the living single-cell organisms. Bacteria can be carried by water, wind, insects, plants, animals, and people and survive well on skin and clothes and in human hair.

Birch is characterized as medium-density hardwood with a fine, moderate grain pattern that conveys a refined linear texture and mild color variation. Birch is similar to maple wood and has a tight, even wood grain. It can have more character at times.