Precious metal has something to do with metals valued for their color, malleability, and rarity. Gold, silver and platinum are the only three (3) precious metals.

-see also:
"Precious metal" is in the CPC Code "1424"
  Precious metal ores and concentrates

"Precious metal" is in the UNSPSC Code "30101517"
  Precious metal angles

"Precious metal" is in the HS Code "2616.90"
  - - Other
   Precious metal ores & concs. (excl. silver ores & concs.)
Ref: 120976/2006-10-08

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Gold (Gold is a precious metal that is very soft when ...)
Metal (Metal is defined as solid mineral element that ...)
Platinum (Platinum pertains to one of the three precious ...)

Portland cement concrete (PCC) is characterized as a composite material that consists essentially of Portland cement and water as a binding medium in which is mixed coarse and fine particles of crushed stone.
Ref: 122275/2006-10-09

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
PCC (PCC is the acronym of Portland cement concrete)
Portland Cement Concrete (A Portland Cement Concrete (PCC or Concrete) is ...)
Concrete (Concrete is described as the mixture of Portland. ..)
Port (A harbor or haven where ships may anchor, or that ...)

is defined as the juice obtained by pressing, as opposed to free-run juice.
Ref: 120877/2006-10-07

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Press (Press denotes a machine having a stationary bed ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): Juices
Press slide is defined as the main reciprocating member of a press, guided in the press frame, to which the punch or upper die is fastened. It is sometimes called the ram, press ram, slide, plunger, or platen.
Ref: 122834/2006-10-12

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Press (Press denotes a machine having a stationary bed ...)
Slide (Slide is described as the main reciprocating ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): Sliders, Slides
Pressed caviar is described as the caviar composed of the roe of one or more sturgeon or paddlefish species, remaining after the processing and preparation of higher quality caviar.

French - caviar pressé
Spanish - caviar prensado
Ref: 122857/2006-10-12

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Press (Press denotes a machine having a stationary bed ...)
Caviar (Caviar refers to the processed roe of Acipenseriformes ...)
- Public Warehousing : The storage of goods by a firm that offers storage service for a fee to the public.
Ref: 84769/2006-08-24

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Housing (Housing is described as structures collectively; ...)
Ware (Ware ist der ganzheitliche Begriff f?r die Mittel ...)
Process safety those procedures and measures put in place to ensure that refining processes remain contained in the process stream. The employees, community and the environment shall be protected from the potential hazards of a hydrocarbon release.
Ref: 123253/2006-10-14

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Process (Process means the preparation of a substance, ...)
Proze? ((process; processus, proc?d?) Nach DIN EN ISO. ..)
Hydrocarbon (Hydrocarbon- pertains to chemical compounds. ..)
stream (A stream is a general term for a body of flowing ...)

Pulpwood is characterized as a wood suitable for use in paper manufacturing
Ref: 123448/2006-10-14

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Log (Log (1) Stem, or length of stem, of a tree after ...)
Chip (Chip is described as a small piece of wood used ...)