Soft faced hammer are hammers that can have a variety of striking faces including copper, hide, aluminium, plastic, nylon, and rubber and give safe and effective blows to metal and other components which might be damaged by conventional steel hammers.
Ref: 124394/2006-10-27

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Hammer (Hammer refers to an instrument for driving nails ...)
Hide (Hide pertains to the skin of cattle)
Soil cement base is a material consisting of a mixture of the natural subgrade material and Portland cement in the proper amounts. After thorough mixing, the proper amount of water is added, and the material is compacted to the required thickness.
Ref: 122279/2006-10-09

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Base (A Base is a solution that has a pH value greater than 7)
Base (Base pertains to any substance that, when ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): cements, Basen
Sour crude is a type of crude oil containing a substantial amount of sulfur.
Ref: 123255/2006-10-14

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Crude oil (A Crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons that ...)
Crude oil (Crude oil is described as a mixture of thousands ...)
Soybean Farming - this industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing soybeans and/or producing soybean seeds. Soybeans are the seeds of an annual leguminous plant that can be used for a wide variety of purposes - animal feed, edible and inedible oil, food products and biodiesel.

The primary activities of companies in this industry are:
Soybeans farming
Soybean seeds production

Industry Code: 11111

-see also:
"Soybean Farming" is in the NAICS Code "11111"
  (Soybean Farming11111)

- 87272/2006-09-17

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Farm (Farm is characterized as an area of land and its ...)

Special file refers to a file that represents a physical device. This term is also called a device file.
Ref: 123481/2006-10-15

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): Files
Spectral hygrometer, which is also called optical hygrometer determines the amount of precipitable moisture in a given region of the atmosphere by measuring the attenuation of radiant energy caused by the absorption bands of water vapor.
Ref: 124408/2006-10-28

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Hygrometer (Ein Hygrometer (Feuchtemesser) ist ein Instrument. ..)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): Hygrometern
Spontaneous combustion is characterized as the natural starting of a fire in a coal seam. The 200°C temperature required for the spontaneous combustion comes from the oxidation of pyrite and resins in the coal.
Ref: 122719/2006-09-24

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Comb (Comb bind means to plastic comb bind by inserting ...)
combustion (Combustion is the burning of a material, i.e., a ...)
Spur gear is a type of gear that is used to connect parallel shafts. Spur gears have involute teeth that are parallel to the shaft and can have internal or external teeth.
Ref: 122787/2006-10-06

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Spur gears (Spur gears is a type of gear which transmit power ...)
Gear (Gear is a mechanical device that transmits power ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): Spuren, spurs, gears